A Church planting in Box Hill in 2012

A Church planting in Box Hill in 2012

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Don't put down your sword!

One of the things that is so great about church planting is that you have a certain amount of freedom to do things.

But it's also one of the dangers.

Because there are things that make a church a church which you simply can't get rid of, even if they seem a little foreign to those who aren't Christians.

But the biggest danger I think is that the Word of God can take a back seat.  And this isn't just a danger because it's wrong!  It's dangerous because it's the equivalent of pausing in the middle of a sword fight, throwing down your sword and saying- "I think from now on I'll try fighting with my fists".

The word of God is described as a sword in two places in the Bible.  In Ephesians 6, when talking about preparing yourself for the heavenly battle, it is described as "The Sword of the Spirit".  And in Hebrews 4 it is described as being "sharper than a double edged sword".  They are powerful images, and they suggest a powerful, life changing weapon.  Yet how hard we find that to believe!  My experience of my Christian ministry life is that so often I use the Bible, in my evangelism, in my Bible studies, in my teaching, because I know I should.  But over and over again God convicts me that his Word is powerful, and that I should use it not just because God tells me to but because that is how God works!  All I do is read the Bible and talk about it, but it changes people.

A friend was saying to me the other day that she feels glad that my husband has a theological degree behind him before he starts church planting.  Not because it's always necessary (though I think those who can do it well without it are the exception rather than the rule), but because the Bible is so important, and it's so easy in church planting, when you do have such freedom, to send the baby out with the bath-water.

And today in a Bible study on Genesis 3 I was reflecting again that the original sin was not taking God at his word.

Pray for us, and for all planters and pastors out there, that we will never put down our sword of the Spirit.

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